We feed the best that the industry has to offer!


Bajoron Bouviers is the most comprehensive breeder available. How do we know this? We offer and do more for our puppies and you than any other breeder. While we will not give away all our secrets. YOU need to realize that if we put it up here, others will feign to do the same services and it is simply not so.

We explained in Our Warnings" about various breeders we have come in to contact with. Because we have searched, spoken with and used other breeders we flat out know that we do the best by our dogs and the puppies you recieve. We prepare them in a way that makes your puppy ready for the transition that is from us to you.

We are members of four different clubs and we have spoken with many members and they all ask, "YOU do all that for your buyers and the puppies?" and our answer is a resounding "YES".

It is important that the fact you feel that the process was so smooth and touched on every point is important to us.

Besides getting your puppy ready our dogs are our lives. We love them and do everything we can to make their lives whole. We used to show all the time but now we take time for the small things and that is what matters the most.

Give us a try and see how incredible our dogs are!


Our puppies and dogs our passion